05 February 2012

DAY 126: Clean-ups and Main Floor Preps

Saturday has always been "work day" at our home and today was no exception!  We spent approximately 10 1/2 hours cleaning-up, prepping the main floor, laying radiant floor pads in the garage, and trying to burn the stump.  It was a good days work!  The concrete pour was put off a week (which actually helped us) and we should be pouring this coming Saturday.

One of Maya's jobs today was to tie rebar together with wire.  She did a great job and stuck with it!  She stole Brent's helmet and wore it most of the day.  The helmet has earplugs and I'm guessing she liked the quietness.  On another note, a new neighbor came over.  Maya was self conscious about her clothes and explained "ya, we're wearing our work clothes".  I assured her that she would see us another time at church and we would be dressed well.  We were also told by this neighbor that the street we are on is crazy busy with kids in the summer.  That made me happy since we have always been on kid friendly streets and our children have loved playing outside.

Maya also did not like the sunburn she got on her face today.  Once again, we are enjoying incredible building weather.
 Brent worked on the pads for radiant in the garage. 
When the concrete is poured the corners are very vulnerable.  The "bad" corners needed to be braced with particle board.  
 Windows and doors are lined with a product called "Vbuck".  The corners are reinforced with "Vbrace".  The final step is to brace all windows and doors with joists and 2x4s.  This is what Blaine and Brady worked on today.
 Estee's job was trash collection.  One of the things she collected was little plastic bits from the form blocks (they had been cut off or broken during the stacking process).  There was plastic all over the lot.  Estee, Maya and Sierra also combed the lot for trash and scrap styrofoam.  They filled the entire trailer with trash.  Good work girls! 
 Earlier this week I put up the green bracing poles along the walls that you see below.  Cole went back today and screwed the bracing to the ground.  Brent and Cole put up the planks for walking on top. 
 Another big job was to fill in holes with styrofoam in the basement.  This is still a carry-over from the bracket hic-up.  Brent cut all the foam to fit and Cole glued it in place.  Next. blocks of wood will be nailed over the styrofoam to keep it all in place. 

Sierra and I loading bracing planks:
We took a lunch break at Subway (one of our favorites).  Cole can eat an entire footlong meatball marinara (ugh)!  We left a mud trail in Subway.  Kids were a litle embarassed about how we looked when we went to eat (work clothes and funky hair) but I assured them that it doesn't matter what other people think.  However, I do have to agree with Cole that my cheetah headband was a little embarassing for the kids (Hey!  It keeps the ears warm and it was only $1.48 at Target).  

 Before lunch Estee and Maya let me know that they had "had it" cleaning up foam.  It was definitely time to eat.
 Cole pretending that he had "had it"...
 We worked and worked and worked on burning that stump.  It did get a little smaller. 
 Sierra had a big week!  Braces (again) and a birthday!  Love you pretty girl! 

1 comment:

  1. There are many ways to participate in the clean, your children, help them to inculcate a positive habit that leads to a healthy life through the years. Children can fold small items, clean up the mess to clean up the table and dust. Nice blog!
