08 February 2012

DAY 129: Red Curry Paste and Rebar

Lisa: Hello?
Cheryl: Do you have any red curry paste?
Lisa: Probably
Cheryl: Where are you?
Lisa: Up on the cat walk,  at the house cutting rebar and dropping steel down inside the walls.

That's the summary of the conversation that made me laugh this morning.  From red curry paste to re bar, it's been a good day.

My outfit today was a winner, it even went to a store (with me in it of course). Thermals, pants, turtleneck, t-shirt, sweatshirt, 2 pairs of socks.  It reminded me of my mission (switch pants for skirt).  I spent the winter in Dijon, France and it was FREEZING.  We would layer clothing to the max.  However, I looked better as a missionary than I did today in my work clothes.   It made me chuckle so I took a picture:
 Today I cut rebar to drop between the walls.  I wore out the saw, leaving only 1/4 of an inch on the blade.  I'm still missing 1 piece of steel and the inspection is tomorrow morning at 8.  Brent is going to head over early to figure it out. 
 I got up on the "cat walk" to drop the steel.  I'm glad I'm not afraid of heights.  It's not a big deal to me.  You just have to be careful to place your weight on the green bracing. 
The view on the top was nice.  
 Yesterday I worked on filling the gaps with magic foam.  There is a bit of a gap between the floor boards and the base of the ICF.  Some spots are bigger than others.  This foam is incredible and very strong.  This is a job I enjoyed doing (fun like the dirt compactor).  It reminded me a little bit of frosting, fluffy, smooth, and it expands (not like frosting). 

 And just for fun...after Family Home Evening last night I cleared the table.  Cole had drawn on a napkin during our lesson.  His sketch made me laugh.  He hasn't had any art lessons since 8th grade and I'm just happy that he still likes to sketch. 
My favorite moment of the day was when a flock of birds (a couple hundred) flew exactly over my head.  As they passed me in unison they all snapped their wings to their sides and torpedoed  through the air.  I heard a very loud "whoooosh".  It was incredible.  I love nature and I am grateful for a loving God who has given us so many beautiful things to enjoy. 

1 comment:

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