Brent has been researching the building of a pizza oven. He needs to be a guest author and post the technical details and the sites he follows. He's done his homework!
The pizza oven is one of the first features to go into our backyard landscaping. We still have a healthy bunch of weeds growing but we're getting in the big stuff first!
He first built a cinder block base and reinforced it with rebar. We recently poured the concrete and I think the kiddos had a good time getting messy!
The beginnings of the base:
Base ready for a pour:
Estee's job was to get out the bubbles with a long rebar stick. She did great!
Maya liked finish work.
Brent and Cole had the messy job of loading up the cement and pouring it in.
Brent preparing the base for the concrete slab.
While most of us were doing the pizza oven Sierra worked on another project (everyone ALWAYS has a project at our house). She was making a pinata head to resemble a friend for her b-day--it turned out awesome!