01 September 2012

DAY 335 : Insulation and sheet rock prep

The day started with Cole finding a black widow in his shoe.  Luckily he saw it first but it creeped all of us out a bit.  The weather snapped this week and we have been enjoying fantastic thunderstorms.  The spiders don't like it and are trying to work their way inside.  We found another black widow in Brent's tool cave.  Another reminder that Fall is around the corner.   Time to spray for spiders again.

Our Saturday was spent prepping the house for sheet rock (scheduled to start Tuesday).  Cole and Brent did lots of little electrical touch-up including adding the security buttons to all the doors and testing the connections.  Sierra was foam queen and worked on sealing up more spaces including windows.

I worked on insulation and it won.  I don't often get frustrated with jobs, but what should have been a two hour project worked into six hours.

Our master bedroom is next to the kitchen and the staircase.  I was concerned about noise coming up from the family room/tv room/game room and potentially loud teenage guests.  So, we decided to insulate the walls.  I also needed to insulate the roof in the cold storage.

The hic-up was the staple gun.  It was having a day and the project just got long.  I finally ran out of staples, but at least I have only 3 more small pieces to staple up. 

 While working on the house child #3 disappeared.  She took pictures of storm clouds in the windows...
 Took a picture of the house and garage...(Hey look!!!! Our car is parked on a real driveway!!!)
Took a picture of what our landscape really looks like...
Took another landscape shot...
 Took a picture of a weed that Brent referred to as the Christmas Tree...

Took a picture of her own feet.  That's how I ALWAYS know who is taking pictures, there is always a self portrait of the feet! I found it interesting to look at her subjects.  I am so careful with taking blog pictures, to try and show everything in a pretty light (as if construction is pretty...or clean...or neat).  But I wouldn't have thought to take pictures of all the weeds.  However, it's a good reminder of our history and it will be fun to reminisce when we get real landscaping in.  It's good to remember how far we have come.

And finally, I took a shot of our big kitchen door/windows.  I love how it looks from the back too!

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