28 January 2012

DAY 118: Second Floor ICF Still Plugging Along...

Brent arrived today at 8am, followed by Blaine and Brady around 8:30am, then Lisa and Cole at 9:00am.  Cole left at 11:40am for region swim.  Lisa left at 4 pm to make it to a cousin party.  Brent, Blaine and Brady didn't leave until 6pm.  It's been a long day but we're finally starting to see progress on the second floor ICF.  We are scheduled to pour next Saturday.  We're tired.  Brent's already asleep.  Cole is still gone for swim.  My head is swimming...

Today I noticed from this kitchen window (picture below) that we will be able to see Utah Lake.  How 'bout that?
 Aaaaahhhhhh, Timp
 We enjoy the simple pleasures.  Cole noticed a large piece of ice in the stair well (in the plastic).  He pushed it up, Brent grabbed it.  It was cool because it has a frozen layer of dirt. 
 So, of course Cole tossed it...
 and it smashed really well!!
Another progress shot.  As of 6pm today the foam reaches all of the windows! 

Another lesson in ICF.  Here is a wall dissection. Where there are joints that form a "T" or on edges by a door frame (that's what this is) the blocks are tied together with a gynormous  plastic zip tie.  I loved zip ties already and these are the BEST! This is one of the highly technical mechanisms that stop a wall from blowing out when concrete is poured down inside.  (The zip ties are actually part of the system, we didn't make it up).  From handcuffs to concrete walls, zip ties, can't live without them. 
 The other day I mentioned a stump that we pulled.  It was the most innocent looking stump, just sticking out about 8 inches out of the ground.  I couldn't believe it when Brent started pulling it with the backhoe.  It had a huge root system.  That's the "stump" in the upper left of this picture. I circled the part that was sticking out of the ground.  You can see a wooden pallet on the right, gives you an idea of the size of the thing.  I was so happy it was OUT of our yard!!!!  I love the idea (although a bit overwhelming) of a clean slate with the yard.  We'll make something great out of it!

1 comment:

  1. What hard workers you guys are! This house will be all the more dear because of all that you have put into it. I'm so excited for you that it is coming along.
