18 October 2012

DAY 381: Hhhmmmmm, interesting

Well, hmmm, does this look right to you?  Me neither.  So as sub contractors are working I wonder if they think "Brent and Lisa will never notice this".  This is a water pipe in our ceiling going into a wall.  Yes, we should have caught it earlier, but here we are. 
Another one from this week, does this look right to you?  (ah, take a gander at that beautiful front door that Brent and I fixed up!  Love it!)  The columns are supposed to match the two wooden points that come down.  One is snug to the stairs and matches, the other is about 10 inches away.  Double hmmmm.  The columns are now both filled with concrete as is the entire hole.  Wonder how we will fix it...

Both subs have assured us that they will make the necessary repairs/fixes.  They have been good to work with us.  

I fully admit,  I can be a perfectionist.  It makes me a little crazy that we spend so much of our money, that we have saved, and that the project isn't perfect. Building a house is a much more organic process than I expected.  One subcontractor (or more often Brent and Lisa) doesn't do perfect work and the effect just multiplies with following subcontractors or projects.  The house won't be perfect and I just have to allow my "Monk" personality some time to accept that.  (Monk lives in a bungalow too, makes me laugh.  It must be something about the perfect lines, the repeating squares, the shapes, the simplicity).

And now for the pep talk...
Dear Lisa, 
Do you remember how these four windows bugged you?  They made you CrAzY?  How you thought that they would never line up?

Brent went into ACTION.  Brent called Omar and he chopped out the window to match the top. 
And then you and Brent went to task and reshaped the window, filled the side in with more concrete (which was a little bit of fun, admit it), foamed it and got it fixed up. 
Now, you love it! You can't even tell that there was a problem.  Time, energy (and money) will fix it and it will all be okay! So snap out of it.  Love, Lisa
Yep, another one of those days....

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